Services and Solutions
At The Sellers Investigative Group, we have developed and maintain a well-earned reputation for partnering with the Insurance Industry to aggressively combat abuse and fraud in every insurance claim we investigate.
We are committed to meeting all case deadlines; providing complete investigative services that are ON TIME and ON TARGET which include investigating:
- Accidental Death & Dismemberment
- AOE/COE Claims
- Healthcare Fraud
- Insurance Fraud
- Liability Claims
- Recorded Statements & Interviews
- Surveillance
- Serious & Willful
- SIU - Special Investigations Unit (case Filings, Collection Of Evidence)
- Statement Transcriptions
- Workers' Compensation
Insurance Fraud, Workers' Compensation, Healthcare Fraud and Auto Liability Injury claims often run into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. The cost of fraudulent claims has caused employer premiums to skyrocket out of control.
Investigating & Uncovering Fraud Will Save You Money!
Consider the savings! The cost of an investigation that uncovers fraudulent activity connected to any type of insurance claim is only a small fraction of the total amount the insurer (insurance company or employer) will be obligated to pay to a deceptive person or employee.
The true success of combating fraud is a TEAM comprised of qualified claims professionals and investigative personnel who utilize the latest in industry technology coupled with a strong commitment to reduce loss and exposure. The Sellers Investigative Group wants to be a member of YOUR TEAM.
Personal Service
Personalized professional service is at the heart of everything we do.
The Sellers Investigative Group keeps our clients directly informed through:
TSIG provides a summary of the day’s events to keep you informed. So you can keep your caseloads up to date.
TSIG specializes in Covert Surveillance, SIU Services AOE/COE, Healthcare Fraud, Recorded Statements, Interviews, Video Recorded and Statement Transcripts.
TSIG investigators are experts in securing true covert video that will serve as powerful evidence in your behalf.
TSIG documents and reports are detailed and timely records gathered by our skilled tenured investigators.
Our reports are checked for accuracy to assure the highest quality work product available in the industry today.
TSIG will always go the extra mile to obtain the results you desire and they will be delivered ON TIME and ON TARGET.
Elder Financial Abuse Investigations

Do you suspect your Loved One has been a victim of Undue Influence?
TSIG investigators “Reveal the Truth” in each and every investigation we undertake.
- Has your Loved One become vulnerable due to incapacity, illness, disability, injury, age, education, impaired cognitive function, emotional distress, isolation, or dependency? Did the influencer know of your Loved One’s vulnerability?
- Did the influencer have authority over your Loved One as a health care provider, fiduciary, care provider, legal professional, spiritual advisor or even a trusted family member?
- Has your Loved One been controlled with the necessities of life in their interactions with others, medications, access to information, or sleep by the use of affection, intimidation or coercion? Have you noticed changes in your Loved One’s property rights and the use of haste or secrecy in effecting those changes? Were the changes made at inappropriate times or places?
- Did the influencer cause economic consequences to your Loved One?
Are you puzzled by all the changes that occurred and wondering how did this happen?
TSIG investigators “Reveal the Truth” by finding the missing puzzle pieces in your situation, developing a true picture of your puzzle.

Sexual Harassment and #MeToo Investigations

We at The Sellers Investigative Group know that most of our clients have already implemented policies and preventive measures to prevent their liability exposure and or have addressed harassment in their workplace environment according to the requirements of law. But SB 76 and the #MeToo movement extends the employers liability for sexual harassment by non-employees as well, if the employer knows or should have known of the incident and fails to take action. Today the number of new cases where plaintiffs are suing employers for sexual harassment is skyrocketing.
The right type of investigation in these incidents of sexual harassment and inappropriate sexual behavior is crucial and requires a trained investigative team which specializes in workplace violence, civil torts and crimes. Each investigation we conduct is evaluated, reviewed and categorized by reviewing the complaint and those involved in the incident. Sexual harassment and inappropriate sexual behavior investigations require investigators who are experienced in conducting interviews of the complainant, the alleged violator and witnesses inside and outside of the work environment.
Our skilled team of investigators will work closely with corporate counsel and discuss all avenues of the investigation prior to beginning to assure that the client’s liability is protected. One thing to always remember is that a workplace investigation which is conducted under the direction of counsel may be privileged attorney-client work product and not subject to disclosure to opposing counsel or others.
Our investigators will utilize the company's policies, procedures, rules, organization and social makeup to assist them in the investigative process of gathering information. Our investigators will make every attempt to gain the confidence and trust of all those involved and bring the truth of the incident to the surface of the investigation. We are experienced with interviewers, which promotes openness, honesty and a sense of fair play in discussing the details of the case.
When our investigators conduct administrative or investigatory type interviews during the investigative process, we do so without coercion, threats, or promises of leniency to all. For detail and clarity all admissions and statements are memorialized in both written and tape-recorded form. Upon request, a designated employee representative may be present.
Our investigators do not make any recommendations concerning the form of disciplinary action which should be taken on an employee as a part of our investigation. Our investigation gives our client’s all the information they need to make the right decision in the matter for all involved. At the end of the investigation, we will provide each client with a detailed report to assist management and counsel in their decision-making process related to the incident.
Family Law
There are traumatic moments in one's life when the corrosive effects of doubt and suspicion towards those who are dear and close threaten one's best judgment. It may be the shadow of an extramarital relationship, a spouse's financial wrongdoing, or child’s misconduct. On these occasions, knowledge of the facts is the only remedy, and the relentless pursuit of the truth is the best strategy in the quest for peace of mind.

The Solution
To help our clients, we have organized a Family Law unit staffed with professional investigators. Our experts will carry out a thorough analysis and investigation of the situation, digging deeply to reach at the truth, accomplishing their job without ever losing sight of the delicate and emotionally-charged nature of the assignment.
We will treat your inquiries with care, respect, and understanding. One of our specialists will answer your questions, identify the courses of action that are open to you, and present a plan of information-gathering that will be complete and confidential.
Our Services
- Child Support Analysis
- Cohabitation and Alimony Reduction Analysis
- Elderly Parents Monitoring & Investigations
- Surveillance
- Troubled Teen Behavior

Why The Sellers Investigative Group?
We produce results while treating our clients with care and respect. To accomplish your case goals, we have adopted proven surveillance techniques and utilize the latest technologies in video, still photography, electronic TCSM sweeps, vehicle surveillance, and our own proprietary field-accessible information network.
What makes us stand out in the crowd . . .
- Accurate and Timely Reports
- Cost-Effective Services
- High Case Success Rate
Workplace Investigations

We at The Sellers Investigative Group fully understand the sensitive legal issues which surround the handling of situations that could potentially progress into any form of litigation. We recommend to all of our clients that they retain a qualified Employment Law attorney to work with us in each case. Our team of qualified investigators have years of experience and understand the issues of concern faced by employers in today’s business environment.

Intellectual Property (IP) Investigation
During recent years Intellectual Property theft has increased by leaps and bounds in the corporate environment and continues to rise at an alarming rate. We at The Sellers Investigative Group keep our clients informed and up to date on protecting their Intellectual Property.
Intellectual Property is property that results from our clients and their employees or agents’ original creative thought and work product, such as patents, copyrighted material, and registered trademarks. Intellectual Property owners are the possessors of the registered trademark or copyright which is known as “brand owning”. As the brand owner, the client has the legal right to decide how, when, and where their Intellectual Property gets changed, manufactured, distributed, franchised and or sold.
These are the rights of the Intellectual Property owner and they are exclusive to the owner alone. Trademark infringement is a violation of the exclusive rights a trademark owner has been provided by law, such as using a logo identical or similar to one owned by another party. Intellectual Property Theft goes by many names yet is not limited to the following: Counterfeiting, Piracy, and Bootlegging.
Workplace Theft Investigations
Employee theft is costing American business over $40 billion a year and is increasing by 15-30% per year depending on the company’s geographical area. At one time or another, every employer will experience theft within his or her business workplace. Few of these thefts will actually be investigated, because investigating theft is complex and costly. Faced with the challenging economical times in the State of California, businesses are less able to sustain losses and still be able to maintain business as usual. This environment makes workplace theft investigations increasingly more important. This is where The Sellers Investigative Group can help by doing a complete investigation in a timely, result-producing process the first time, keeping within your investigation budget.
Investigation Interviews
As an employer, you need solid evidence and an in-place policy for taking action to defend yourself against claims of inaction and unfair treatment. The objective of a workplace investigation is to reveal the facts surrounding each incident, so you can make an informed decision.
The Sellers Investigative Group investigates misconduct such as workplace substance abuse, substance sales, fraud, sexual harassment, #MeToo incidents, theft, hate crimes and/or criminal activities, to determine the scope of the problem and how it is impacting your business.
After the investigation’s information-gathering and fact-finding phase, we will then conduct interviews of any additional individuals that are discovered to be an involved party to the incident. We will also contact others found to have firsthand knowledge about the alleged misconduct or facts which relate to the incident.
Our interviews can take up to three hours each to complete, unless there are special circumstances or needs which dictate otherwise. The lengths of the interviews are determined by the level of cooperation of the employee and volume of information which the employee has to provide.
Litigation Support
We at The Sellers Investigative Group believe that successful litigation depends on obtaining all of the important and critical Information requested by counsel from victims, witnesses and any other individuals who might be associated with the case or parties who may be involved in the case in any way.

Most of our clients are Law firms and corporate in-house counsel, who call on our expertise of gathering all of the appropriate and necessary evidence associated to the case by utilizing investigation contacts, surveillance, and face to face interviews. With our experienced investigators, we can provide a wide range of reliable, confidential legal support services, including the assessment of expert witnesses and locating witnesses and experts which would be essential to a successful trial outcome on the client’s behalf.

Our investigators are seasoned former law enforcement, insurance and corporate litigation specialists who are knowledgeable in litigation support techniques, and have been trained to provide credible, expert testimony when required to do so, thus our agency slogan, “Truth Revealed by Professionals”. Our investigators’ analysis of evidence includes but is not limited to crime scene, computer forensic and accounting services, and includes workplace environment studies.
Crime Scene
Crime scenes investigations have historically been restricted to government and law enforcement agencies who could afford the high cost of forensics, utilizing taxpayers’ funds to have large laboratories and criminalists to analyze the evidence found at the scene of a crime or incident, such as a traffic accident, corporate theft, residential burglary, assaults, suicides, auto theft, computer crime, and fraudulent document crime, as well as other incidents where the perpetrator may leave trace evidence or otherwise at the scene. The cost of a quality lab and qualified specialists made access to crime scene forensics all but out of reach to the private corporate sector and the private consumer.
In the last ten years those same criminalists who worked for governmental agencies analyzing evidence are retiring and opening up their own labs to directly serve corporate America and the public at large. These criminalists and trained Crime Scene Investigators are now making these services available not only to legal defense teams and large Corporations; they are reaching out to small business and the general public to ensure that the scales of justice are balanced in the arena of collecting, photographing, videotaping and analyzing evidence. As these services are made openly available to private counsel, defense counsel and the private consumer who were pursuing legal action, quickly began to utilize the benefits of being able to have physical evidence independently collected, reviewed, and processed by an independent and qualified crime scene investigator. Currently, the demand for criminalist, investigators and analysts to work in this field has grown in proportion to the point that requests and assignments to perform these services have by far outnumbered the skilled professionals now working in the private sector.
In 2007, The Sellers Investigative Group created a Crime Scene Unit to address the demand in the private sector for these services. The Sellers Investigative Group has trained and skilled crime scene investigators which are trained in many disciplines of crime scene evidence collection. The Sellers Investigative Group also works jointly with notable private crime labs in the State of California and across the Nation to assure that each of our clients have access to quality Forensic Services.
Our Crime Scene Unit can provide professional, skilled and qualified forensic crime scene staff to the scene of any incident throughout the State of California. There is no assignment to small or too large for our personnel. Our lead crime scene investigator has more than sixteen years of crime scene investigation experience which was obtained within the criminal justice system while working within the law enforcement community in the State of California. The Sellers Investigative Group crime scene investigators have experience in the areas of but not limited to court room testimony, latent print processing and identification, collecting shoe-print and tire tread impression evidence, bloodstain and spatter pattern analysis, forged document analysis, crime scene protocol, photography and video-photography of any crime or incident scene.
The Sellers Investigative Groups Crime Scene Unit will accept assignments involving:
- Collecting and analyzing Tire tread impression evidence
- Collecting and analyzing Shoe print impression evidence
- Fingerprint and latent print identification and analysis, general
- Fingerprint and latent print identification and analysis, documents
- Physical evidence collecting and processing
- Bloodstain and Splatter analysis
- Crime scene protocol
- Forensic photography
- Physical matches
- Latent bloodstain detection
- Collection of serological and trace evidence
- Crime scene and incident reconstruction
- Physical evidence procedures and protocol
- Forged and Handwriting Document Analysis
Mortgage Fraud
The Sellers Investigative Group is dedicated to assisting clients with case investigations relating to mortgage fraud and mortgage improprieties. The Sellers Investigative Group has trained and experienced staff members in house and a strong network of hundreds of investigator colleagues throughout the United States to meet our clients’ needs. Our Mortgage Fraud investigators provide our clients with timely returns on each case that is presented. Usually within forty-five days from the time a case is received, we are submitting our final report completed for our client’s review.
Beginning in the late 2007, our specially trained mortgage industry investigators began assisting bankers, private mortgage insurance providers, title companies, lenders, and investors by investigating improprieties coming to light in loan files, with document audits and by validating claims information. All of our Mortgage Fraud Investigators have worked in the mortgage industry themselves and know the document process and protocols.
C. W. Sellers, the founder of The Sellers Investigative Group, says, "When we began Mortgage Fraud investigations, it was mainly an avenue to provide colleagues who were now out of work due to the market crash an avenue of income. I never could have visualized that Mortgage Fraud investigations would become what it has. The out of control lending habits which lead to the housing market crash in California, has increased the volume of investigation requests for fraudulent loans, forged documents and Identity theft to obtain property, beyond what I had ever expected. We at The Sellers Investigative Group are proud of our investigative team of mortgage industry professionals and investigators. We know Mortgage issues first hand”.
Everyone involved in today’s mortgage industry expect the borrower and others involved in the documents process to provide true, fact-based responses on all of the industry required documents. Any misrepresented, omitted or committed deceptions during the process will justify investigative staff to further investigate into the:
The Sellers Investigative Group will provide you with experienced, Mortgage Fraud investigators, who have proven in-depth knowledge of the mortgage document process and industry. They will assist with document review in each allegation of mortgage fraud and will assess each case for the presence of Fraud. If fraudulent documents and acts are present, we will reveal and report them as well as assist you in the preparation for all court actions which may follow.